73 Thews Road, Tinwald, Ashburton 7778
Various opening hours...Please phone or txt before coming out
This stamp has been discontinued, and will no longer be available once stock is gone
A little robin has fluttered down to give Bluebell a nice surprise.
The wreath around her neck will be fun to colour and a great one to decorate with gloss on the berries and glitter for a touch of frostiness.
There's also a bonus festive greeting banner to match - if you're feeling adventurous, stamp it twice in two colours, then cut out the inner greeting part and layer onto the other one - this will give a nice two tone effect.
Shipping will be added after checkout once order size and delivery details are calculated, and an email will arrive after your order is confirmed. This allows for a fairer price for all customers, rather than an across the board charge, which in some cases, would be too high.
Please don't pay for your order until after you have this email. Thankyou
73 Thews Road, Tinwald, Ashburton 7778
Various opening hours...Please phone or txt before coming out