73 Thews Road, Tinwald, Ashburton 7778
Various opening hours...Please phone or txt before coming out
Limitation of Liability
Crafty NotioNZ will not be liable to you for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly in connection with the supply to you of goods and services from our website, except to the extent that such liability is not lawfully excluded under the applicable law.
Crafty NotioNZ expressly excludes liability for indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss or damage which may arise as a result of supplying goods or services to you in respect of other equipment or property, for loss of profit, business, revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings.
In the event that any exclusion contained in these terms and conditions is held to be invalid for any reason and Crafty NotioNZ becomes liable for loss or damage that may lawfully be limited, such liability shall be limited to the amount originally paid by you to acquire the goods or services, or the repair or replacement of the goods, at our discretion.
Product information and pricing
Prices of goods and services and delivery and other charges displayed are all current at time of display.
All pricing is in New Zealand dollars. These prices are subject to variation without notice.
We will always make our best efforts to ensure information displayed in product descriptions and pricing is accurate.
You agree that prices displayed on Crafty NotioNZ do not constitute an offer on our part and that we retain the right to correct any price that is incorrectly displayed at the time we confirm your order. Should this correction in price no longer suit, you may withdraw your order at this time.
The information relating to products displayed on Crafty NotioNZ is sourced from a variety of manufacturers and suppliers and is displayed in good faith. We, to the best of our ability, will ensure at all times that the information displayed is accurate. We do not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of this information due to the fact that manufacturers and suppliers reserve the right to alter product specifications, packaging and service offerings without notification.
All information displayed, relating to products and services offered by Crafty NotioNZ is for general informational purposes only and we are not responsible for any purchase decision you make with regards to suitability of a product or service for the purpose you have in mind.
To the extent permitted by the applicable law, Crafty NotioNZ disclaims all warranties with respect to products and services either express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Shipping will be added after checkout once order size and delivery details are calculated, and an email will arrive after your order is confirmed. This allows for a fairer price for all customers, rather than an across the board charge, which in some cases, would be too high.
Please don't pay for your order until after you have this email. Thankyou
73 Thews Road, Tinwald, Ashburton 7778
Various opening hours...Please phone or txt before coming out